FT01.02_2022 Mechanical and structural testing parameters in risk assessment
Senest opdateret 10.01.2023

FT01.02_2022 Mechanical and structural testing parameters in risk assessment

Dette er første version af aktivitetsbeskrivelsen for 2022. Den bygger videre på aktiviteter og resultater gennemført i 2021. Beskrivelsen er på engelsk.


The previous activity plan in 2021 focused on individual tools for evaluating testing data and optimizing data analysis and extraction, for example in fatigue testing programs. The activities for 2022 will build upon the work from 2021 by looking to begin utilizing testing inputs and results in risk based planning of testing programs. This dive into the risk-based planning of testing programs will be driven through a digital solution setup, with looking into building a roadmap for the development of a data management system. A digitalized data management system combined with optimized data analysis tools will enable the cooperation with the industry in pursuing the risk-based planning approach of mechanical and structural testing programs.
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The previous activity plan in 2021 focused on individual tools for evaluating testing data and optimizing data analysis and extraction, for example in fatigue testing programs. The activities for 2022 will build upon the work from 2021 by looking to begin utilizing testing inputs and results in risk based planning of testing programs. This dive into the risk-based planning of testing programs will be driven through a digital solution setup, with looking into building a roadmap for the development of a data management system. A digitalized data management system combined with optimized data analysis tools will enable the cooperation with the industry in pursuing the risk-based planning approach of mechanical and structural testing programs.
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Henrik Hassing
Technical Vice President
Steen Arnfred Nielsen
Project Manager, R&D Coordinator

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